DID YOU KNOW that Earth is the only planet in the solar system where rainbows occur? A rainbow is actually a complete circle, not an arc - and from an airplane, you can see a completely circular rainbow!
Learn all about the ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) spectrum with this sensory tray. Decorate with coloured loose parts, playdough or coloured sand. It is perfect for fine motor, pincer grip practice with tongs and tweezers and also very satisfying as a finger labyrinth.
We 3d print our sensory trays from PLA, which is a plant-based bioplastic derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch, tapioca root or sugarcane. This tray will withstand wet sensory bases, like water beads and fizzy potion play, just remember to HAND WASH and immediately dry after use to prevent moisture absorption and warping. We don’t recommend immersing in liquid for long periods but a little splash and fizz will be fine. PLA is not hydrophobic and may absorb colours from paint and and fizz.
Hand wash only. Exposure to extreme heat (in a dishwasher or direct sun) will damage the natural materials this is made from and shorten its lifespan. Bioplastics are designed to biodegrade over time, unlike traditional plastics. If cared for well they will last for many years.
Dimensions: H 15cm, W 20.5cm, D 1.5cm
Inclusions: 1 x Rainnbow Tail Trinket Tray / Bioplastic Sensory Tray
Recommended age 3+. Use under adult supervision. NOT to be used as a teething or chew toy.
© Beadie Bug Play 2023.
Images: @the.connected.playroom @beadiebugplay